
Vuity - Solution for Age-related Farsightedness

Vuity - Solution for Age-related Farsightedness

Are you struggling to find your reading glasses? Well, there is now a solution available!

Vuity is an FDA-approved eye-drop that can provide comfortable near vision without the need for readers.

What is Presbyopia?

Presbyopia, commonly known as age-related farsightedness, is a natural part of the aging process that affects individuals over 40 years old. Unlike hyperopia, which is related to the shape of the eye, presbyopia occurs due to the hardening and decreased flexibility of the lens in the eye. Symptoms of presbyopia include headaches or eye strain when doing tasks that require near vision, blurred vision at a normal reading distance, and needing to hold reading material at arm's length to focus properly.

Treatment Options for Presbyopia

The most common treatment option for presbyopia is reading glasses or prescription eyeglasses, including bifocals and progressive lenses. Alternatively, contact lenses can be used, such as multifocal or monovision lenses. Refractive eye surgery is also an option, including corneal inlay, monovision LASIK, and refractive lens replacement.

A significant proportion of the population, ranging from 20 to 30 percent, may experience difficulty in adjusting to progressive lenses due to eye misalignment. In such situations, Neurolens Lenses represent a viable solution. We recommend scheduling a consultation with Dr. Patel to determine your eligibility for a lens design that can provide a superior standard of care.

Advancements in Treatment Options

With over 110 million Americans affected by presbyopia, the healthcare community continues to research and develop new methods for treating this condition. Dr. Patel actively participates in conferences and discussions related to advancements in treatment options for eye conditions like presbyopia.

Vuity eyedrop

If you are experiencing difficulty reading or performing up-close work, schedule an appointment with Dr. Patel for a comprehensive eye exam to understand your options for clearer vision.

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